The environment and the impact we all have on our planet is at the heart of wild birch studio and the work created. 

We are very aware that a business can negatively impact the sustainability of our world, therefore great thought is taken in the work created, the companies we work with, the businesses we support and the materials we use.

Designs created are inspired by the natural world and are often created to reflect or promote the local environment related to the company, brand or project in question. We strive to encourage clients to consider their environmental impact and help to reflect this in their overall branding design and any printed output.

Sustainability Statement


If you would like to work together on a charity / community project that supports protecting our living world, drop me a message and get in touch. 

Support + inspire

Throughout the year, Wild Birch Studio creates work for passion projects, whose profits are donated to charities and organisations that work towards creating a greener future for our planet. These have recently included Climate Action North East, Living Seas and Northumberland Wildlife Trust.

As a sustainable brand, Wild Birch Studio strives to inspire and support others to also feel deeply connected to our planet and to naturally include environmental solutions in all aspects of daily life and living, thus continuously creating a positive impact on our Earth, as a collective force protecting our world.

Think local - act global

Becoming more environmentally aware is both a journey and a conversation. 

Following conversations with other small businesses across the UK and globally, this page collates advice, resources and ideas we are using and trying.

This is a collective effort, thank you to all who have contributed and continue to share what they have learned and found to work,. 

Together, small businesses making small small steps can collectively make a global impact.

Sharing resources

collective resource page

let's stay in touch

Sign up to the newsletter, a light round-up of sustainability, projects and news.